Great White Shark
Scientific Name: Carcharodon carcharias
Habitat: Coastal and open ocean (temperate and subtropical waters).
Diet: Seals, sea lions, fish, dolphins, turtles.
Lifespan: 70+ years.
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous, 2–10 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Large torpedo-shaped body, gray top with white underbelly, triangular serrated teeth.
Where to Find: USA (California, Massachusetts), South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Japan, Mediterranean Sea.
Tiger Shark
Scientific Name: Galeocerdo cuvier
Habitat: Warm tropical and subtropical waters, coastal areas.
Diet: Fish, turtles, seabirds, smaller sharks, carrion.
Lifespan: 27–50 years.
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous, 10–80 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Dark vertical stripes on a gray body, large head, blunt nose.
Where to Find: Hawaii, Florida, Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Australia, Southeast Asia.
Hammerhead Shark (Multiple Species)
Scientific Name: Sphyrnidae (family)
Habitat: Coastal waters, continental shelves, coral reefs.
Diet: Fish, stingrays, squid, octopus.
Lifespan: 20–35 years.
Reproduction: Viviparous, 6–42 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Distinct hammer-shaped head, wide-set eyes.
Where to Find: Florida, Galápagos, Costa Rica, Australia, Maldives, Philippines.
Bull Shark
Scientific Name: Carcharhinus leucas
Habitat: Coastal waters, estuaries, freshwater rivers.
Diet: Fish, dolphins, birds, turtles, other sharks.
Lifespan: ~25 years.
Reproduction: Viviparous, 1–13 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Stocky body, blunt snout, grayish-brown color.
Where to Find: USA (Florida, Texas), Amazon River, India (Ganges), Australia, South Africa.
Whale Shark
Scientific Name: Rhincodon typus
Habitat: Warm open ocean, coral reefs.
Diet: Plankton, small fish (filter feeder).
Lifespan: 80–130 years.
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous, 300+ pups per litter.
How to Spot: Huge size (up to 18m), spotted body, wide flat mouth.
Where to Find: Mexico (Isla Mujeres), Maldives, Philippines, Australia (Ningaloo Reef), Thailand.
Mako Shark (Shortfin Mako)
Scientific Name: Isurus oxyrinchus
Habitat: Deep open ocean (temperate and tropical).
Diet: Fish (tuna, mackerel), squid, seabirds.
Lifespan: 30–35 years.
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous, 4–25 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Streamlined body, pointed snout, metallic blue color, very fast swimmer.
Where to Find: USA (California, Gulf of Mexico), New Zealand, Japan, South Africa.
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Scientific Name: Carcharhinus longimanus
Habitat: Deep open ocean, tropical and warm waters.
Diet: Fish, squid, sea birds, carrion.
Lifespan: ~25 years.
Reproduction: Viviparous, 5–15 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Large, rounded pectoral fins with white tips.
Where to Find: Caribbean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Red Sea.
Blacktip Reef Shark
Scientific Name: Carcharhinus melanopterus
Habitat: Shallow coral reefs, lagoons.
Diet: Small fish, crustaceans.
Lifespan: ~12–15 years.
Reproduction: Viviparous, 2–5 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Black tips on fins, often in shallow water.
Where to Find: Maldives, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, Seychelles.
Whitetip Reef Shark
Scientific Name: Triaenodon obesus
Habitat: Coral reefs, caves.
Diet: Small fish, octopus, lobsters.
Lifespan: 25 years.
Reproduction: Viviparous, 1–5 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Slender body, white-tipped dorsal and tail fins, often seen resting.
Where to Find: Maldives, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia
Guitarfish (Guitar Sharks)
Scientific Name: Rhinobatidae (family)
Habitat: Sandy seabeds, estuaries.
Diet: Crustaceans, mollusks, small fish.
Lifespan: 15–25 years.
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous, 6–10 pups per litter.
How to Spot: Flattened body like a mix of shark and ray.
Where to Find: India, Australia, Mediterranean, West Africa.
Thresher Shark
Scientific Name: Alopias (Genus)
Habitat: Deep open ocean, continental shelves, sometimes near coastlines.
Diet: Small fish, squid, schooling fish (uses its long tail to stun prey).
Lifespan: 20–50 years.
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous, 2–6 pups per litter.
How to Spot:
Extremely long tail (half the body length).
Large eyes, small mouth, torpedo-shaped body.
Silvery-blue or dark gray on top, lighter underside.
Where to Find:
Philippines (Malapascua Island)
USA (California, East Coast)
Mediterranean Sea
South Africa
Bamboo Sharks (Several Species)
Scientific Name: Hemiscylliidae (Family)
Habitat: Coral reefs, shallow waters, sandy seabeds.
Diet: Small fish, crustaceans, mollusks.
Lifespan: 20–25 years.
Reproduction: Oviparous (lays eggs), egg cases called “mermaid’s purses”.
How to Spot:
Small, elongated body (up to 1.2m).
Distinct patterns and stripes/spots.
Often seen resting on the ocean floor.
Types of Bamboo Sharks:
Brownbanded Bamboo Shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum)
White-spotted Bamboo Shark (Chiloscyllium plagiosum)
Gray Bamboo Shark (Chiloscyllium griseum)
Where to Find:
Nurse Shark
Scientific Name: Ginglymostoma cirratum
Habitat: Shallow coral reefs, mangroves, sandy bottoms.
Diet: Crustaceans, small fish, squid, sea urchins.
Lifespan: 25–35 years.
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous, 20–30 pups per litter.
How to Spot:
Large, sluggish bottom-dwelling shark (up to 4m).
Smooth brownish-tan body with barbels near the mouth.
Often seen resting in groups during the day.
Where to Find:
Caribbean (Bahamas, Florida, Mexico)
Gulf of Mexico
West Africa
Leopard Shark
Scientific Name: Triakis semifasciata
Habitat: Shallow coastal waters, sandy flats, bays.
Diet: Small fish, crustaceans, mollusks.
Lifespan: 20–30 years.
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous, 7–37 pups per litter.
How to Spot:
Slender body with black saddle-like patterns and spots.
Small, rounded snout with long fins.
Where to Find:
USA (California)
Mexico (Baja California)
New Zealand