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Moorish Idol

Moorish Idol

Scientific Name: Zanclus cornutus


  • Only species in the Zanclidae family (No subspecies, but often confused with butterflyfish and bannerfish).


  • Found in tropical coral reefs and lagoon waters at depths of 3 to 180 feet (1 to 55 meters).
  • Prefers areas with rich coral growth and rocky substrates.
  • Found in small groups or pairs, but sometimes seen alone.


  • Omnivorous – feeds on sponges, tunicates, algae, and small invertebrates.
  • Uses its long, tubular snout to forage in coral crevices.


  • External fertilization – eggs are released into open water and hatch into planktonic larvae.
  • Juveniles drift in the open ocean before settling in coral reefs.

Spotting Tips:

  • Look for its distinctive black, white, and yellow bands and elongated dorsal fin.
  • Often seen near reef edges or in clear, shallow lagoons.
  • Can be mistaken for bannerfish, but has a more elongated snout and uniform body pattern.


  • Found in Indo-Pacific waters, including Hawaii, Australia, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean.
  • Common around Fiji, Maldives, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Great Barrier Reef.