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Scientific Name: Carangidae (with multiple species, e.g., Caranx ignobilis for Giant Trevally)


  1. Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis) – The largest and most powerful species, known for its aggressive hunting style.
  2. Bluefin Trevally (Caranx melampygus) – Recognizable by its vibrant blue fins and fast swimming.
  3. Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus) – Named for its large eyes, which help it hunt in dim light.
  4. Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) – Has a striking yellow body and often follows larger marine animals.
  5. Yellowspotted Trevally (Carangoides fulvoguttatus) – Features distinctive yellow spots on its silver body.
  6. Horse-eye Trevally (Caranx latus) – Identified by its large, round eyes and deep body shape.
  7. Black Trevally (Caranx lugubris) – A deep-water species with a dark coloration.


Trevally species inhabit tropical and subtropical waters, found around coral reefs, lagoons, coastal bays, estuaries, and open oceans. Some species, like the Giant Trevally, venture into brackish waters and even freshwater rivers.


Trevally are carnivorous predators, feeding on:

  • Small fish
  • Crustaceans (shrimp, crabs)
  • Squid and cuttlefish
  • Occasionally birds (Giant Trevally has been observed hunting seabirds in shallow waters!)


  • Trevally spawn in large groups in warm tropical waters.
  • Eggs are released into open water, where they drift as plankton before hatching into larvae.
  • Juveniles grow in sheltered coastal environments before migrating to deeper waters as they mature.

Spotting Tips:

  • Look near reefs, wrecks, and baitfish schools—Trevally often hunt in these areas.
  • Giant Trevally can be seen patrolling reefs or hunting in open water.
  • Bluefin Trevally are often seen darting through coral formations.
  • Bigeye Trevally tend to form large swirling schools, especially at night.


Trevally are widespread in the Indo-Pacific region, including:

  • Australia
  • Maldives
  • Indonesia
  • Hawaii
  • Thailand
  • Seychelles
  • Red Sea
  • Caribbean (for some species like Horse-eye Trevally)
Giant Trevally

Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis)

  • Size: Can grow over 170 cm (5.5 ft) and weigh more than 80 kg (176 lbs).
  • Appearance: Large, deep-bodied, silvery-gray fish with a strong, robust build. Some adults develop a darker or almost black coloration.
  • Behavior: Aggressive predator, known for hunting reef fish, crustaceans, squid, and even birds.
  • Habitat: Coral reefs, lagoons, and open ocean. Often seen near drop-offs and wrecks.
Bluefin Trevally

Bluefin Trevally (Caranx melampygus)

  • Size: Up to 100 cm (3.3 ft) and 15 kg (33 lbs).
  • Appearance: Silvery body with electric blue fins and blue spots along the sides.
  • Behavior: Fast-swimming and often hunts in packs, targeting smaller fish and crustaceans.
  • Habitat: Shallow reefs, coastal waters, and lagoons.
Big Eye Trevally

Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)

  • Size: Reaches around 120 cm (4 ft) and up to 18 kg (40 lbs).
  • Appearance: Silver body with a streamlined shape and noticeably large eyes.
  • Behavior: Forms large swirling schools, especially during the day, and is more active at night when hunting.
  • Habitat: Found near reefs and in deep channels. Juveniles often stay in shallow bays.
Golden Trevally

Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus)

  • Size: Up to 120 cm (4 ft) and 15 kg (33 lbs).
  • Appearance: Bright yellow body with black vertical stripes when young. Adults lose the stripes and retain a golden hue.
  • Behavior: Often follows larger marine animals (sharks, rays) to scavenge food.
  • Habitat: Coastal waters, reefs, and sand flats.
Yellow SpottedTrevally

Yellowspotted Trevally (Carangoides fulvoguttatus)

  • Size: Grows up to 120 cm (4 ft) and 20 kg (44 lbs).
  • Appearance: Silver body covered in small yellow spots.
  • Behavior: Solitary or in small groups, preys on fish and crustaceans.
  • Habitat: Coral reefs, estuaries, and deeper offshore waters.
Horse Eye Trevally

Horse-eye Trevally (Caranx latus)

  • Size: Around 100 cm (3.3 ft) and 13 kg (29 lbs).
  • Appearance: Large, round eyes with a thick, silver body.
  • Behavior: Forms large schools and migrates in coastal and offshore waters.
  • Habitat: Found in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean, near reefs and estuaries.
Black trevally

Black Trevally (Caranx lugubris)

  • Size: Can reach up to 110 cm (3.6 ft) and weigh 18 kg (40 lbs).
  • Appearance: Dark gray to black coloration, with a deep, robust body.
  • Behavior: Often found in deep waters and rocky reefs.
  • Habitat: More common in deep offshore waters and seamounts.
Silver Trevally

Silver Trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex)

  • Size: Grows up to 80 cm (2.6 ft) and weighs around 5 kg (11 lbs).
  • Appearance: Silver-colored with a slightly yellowish tinge near the fins.
  • Behavior: Forms large schools and is known for fast swimming.
  • Habitat: Cooler coastal waters and reefs, especially around Australia and New Zealand.