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Sea Snakes

Banded Sea Krait
  • Scientific Name: Laticauda colubrina
  • Types: Amphibious sea snake (can come on land).
  • Habitat: Coral reefs, lagoons, and coastal waters.
  • Diet: Primarily eels and small fish.
  • Reproduction: Oviparous (lays eggs on land).
  • Spotting Tips: Look for distinctive black and white bands and a paddle-shaped tail near reefs.
  • Countries: Found across the Indo-Pacific region — Indonesia, Philippines, Fiji, Japan
Olive Sea Snake
  • Scientific Name: Aipysurus laevis
  • Types: Fully aquatic sea snake.
  • Habitat: Coral reefs and rocky outcrops.
  • Diet: Fish, fish eggs, and crustaceans.
  • Reproduction: Viviparous (gives birth to live young).
  • Spotting Tips: Look for a large, thick-bodied snake with uniform olive or brown coloration, often hunting around coral formations.
  • Countries: Found in the tropical waters of Australia, New Guinea, and parts of Southeast Asia
Belcher Sea Snake
  • Scientific Name: Hydrophis belcheri
  • Types: Highly venomous but very shy sea snake.
  • Habitat: Shallow tropical reefs and sandy-bottom lagoons.
  • Diet: Small fish and fish eggs.
  • Reproduction: Viviparous (gives birth to live young).
  • Spotting Tips: Look for yellow and blackish-green bands on a slender body, often seen in shallow warm waters.


  • Countries: Found in the waters of the Philippines, Thailand, Australia, and Indonesia.
Yellow Bellied Sea Snake
  • Scientific Name: Hydrophis platurus
  • Types: Fully pelagic (lives entirely at sea).
  • Habitat: Open ocean, often far from land.
  • Diet: Small fish caught near the surface.
  • Reproduction: Viviparous (live birth at sea).
  • Spotting Tips: Look for its bright yellow belly contrasting with a dark back, floating or swimming near the water surface.
  • Countries: Found across tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide, including the Indian and Pacific Oceans.